Tata cara menerbitkan buku di IRDH (Klik Disini) [Posted on Feb 2020]


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Hampir 30 persen pemenang insentif buku ajar Dikti berasal dari terbitan CV IRDH

Sejak 2015 hingga 2019.CV IRDH telah melahirkan karya2 yg diakui Dikti dg bukti.

Pemenang insentif buku ajar dan Hibah Dikti tahun 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 dan 2019


Video about IRDH?

About IRDH


IRDH (International Research and Development for Human Being is a research institute developing broad disciplines in the nexus of knowledge dissemination commitment universally in the field of any sciences for human being. Our sublime knowledge covers beyond nations, religions, races, languages, tribes and social status because we project to advance civilization signed in our shining star logo as a form of humanity prowess.

Pioneering the establishment of Youth Leadership Center (YLC) in 2001, Children Leadership School (CSL) in 2002, and School of International Programs (SIP) in 2008, IRDH put education as the core value of humanity. These three education institutes have been guiding more than 25.000 students of Elementary School, Secondary School to the University level offering helps and contribution for the needy to survive academically in various fields of study. 10 years of milestone licensed by regional Government’s Education Department, IRDH is proudly established within the trust and satisfaction of always-improved services.

Our establishment was dated in January 17th, 2012 as a formal research education institute across the boundaries of education level, organization, non-government organizations, and international parties as well. Focusing on research and formal education, IRDH eliminates primordial boundaries and expand to leading educational contributors, locally and internationally.

It is a long-winding road that one of IRDH’s mission is to provide free educational institution and international university for students of war, tyranny, natural disaster victims, low-economy, and orphans. We dream to offer generating passion of being able to maintain Bachelor, Master and PhD through this institution.

Last but not least, our leading initiator and director of IRDH is Cakti Indra Gunawan, SE., MM., PhD who has been experienced as a lecturer in several colleges and universities in Indonesia since 1999. He has also been writing numbers of scientific works and present many papers internationally. Our core people are Sri Redjeki and Mino with the broad supports from everyone with high intention on Human Beings.

Official Document of IRDH Research

Company Licence

Member of Indonesia Publisher Association

Vision and Mission

The Vision of IRDH
Our prime vision is to universally disseminate knowledge about and for human being by crossing the boundaries of nations, countries, languages, tribes, groups, religions, race, and social status leading the peace for well-civilized human being.

The Mission of IRDH
a. To publish scientific works internationally,
b. To conduct research project in the field of social and exact level,
c. To develop human resources,
d. To establish the Star International University for poor children and orphans.

The Symbol of IRDH

The shining yellow star above the letter I for International is our outreach to global competitiveness and reputation. Star is the heart and spirit of our scholarship which enlightens human beings in facing any forms of violence and natural disaster. The color of IRDH is blue which signifies the depth of knowledge, loftiness, sincerity, and blessing. Our written form of research symbolizes that IRDH mainly focuses on research and independency. There is no indulgence of any political determination or other groups. Hence, we explore knowledge and education universally. Green is the basic color of our institution because it symbolizes serenity, peace, and bliss that are obtained for human beings, especially for those who need educational aids and stipend

Organization Structure


A ex-head of Indonesian government office in the Ministry of Finance and also a donor of CSL, YLC and SIP since 2002
Sri Redjeki
An entrepreneur, donor, and commissar of CSL, YLC and SIP since 2002


Cakti Indra Gunawan, SE., MM., PhD
(the inventor of Star Productivity Theory, lecturer in many universities, graduate of New England University, and founder of CLS, YLC and SIP)

Operational Director

Yulita, SE
She is a book writer and at the same time has published many journals at national and international levels. Currently taking a master degree education majoring in master of public administration. His desire is to spread knowledge throughout the world.

Publishing Manager

Yohanes Handrianus Laka, SE
He is a person who loves the world of books and having a lot of contact with the government and the private sector in an effort to educate the nation's life through publishing books. He is currently completing his master degree education with a concentration in the tourism sector retribution strategy.

Head of IT

Vega Raksa C Cakti
He ia a great person who handle programming and IT.

IT Staff

Luwie Hartiarsa, S.kom
An Expert Back End Programmer, graduated from Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.
Ilham Burhanuddin Rabbani, Skom
Graduated from Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang.


Bakti Rindra Handayani, SE
(ex-secretary of the House of Zakat office serving poor people. She keens of working in the educational and social humanity. She is graduated from Economics Faculty University of Jendral Soedirman, Indonesia. She worked with YLC and SIP since 2005)


Sri Mustikaningsih, SE., Ak
Experienced in banking and financial management and graduated from Brawijaya University, she is the owner of one of Central Java private bank, she loves to help poor people as well.

Admin Staff

Yunifa Mei Latisa
She Is an Expert in Administration Office.

Member Board

Zifirdaus Adnan, BA., MA., Ph.D
Senior lecturer in the University of New England, University of Griffith and the University of New South Wales; visiting scholars in some universities in USA, Indonesia, as well as Europe. He is a convenor of Indoensian studies. His research is dedicated for poor people for imstance in 2009-2012 which covers humanity themes such as problems of terrorism supported by Australian Research Council and other donors. He is also involved to fund SIP and YIC in 2008 and lecture the teachers and staffs broad in 2010.

Research Staff

Tismen Yoga Pradana, S.Pd
Graduated from physics education, Universitas Negeri Malang. serves as IRDH manager's journal and also manages referensi: management and accounting science journals at Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University.
Yorim N Lasboi. S.E

Editing Staff

Muhammad Archi Maulida, S.Pd, M.Pd
He is an expert in editorial book. Agung Wibowo
He id an expert in layout and editing book.


Nur Iswanto, S.H. M.Hum
Graduated from the university of Jogjakarta in Law. He has experiences to be lawyer more than 20 years in Jogjakarta. He likes helping poor people and support IRDH. He has been taking law course in USA and colaborating with Indonesian lawyers.